One Drop of Love Q&A: Colorism and Being Biracial


BRIGETTE: Did you find that; I am not of biracial heritage in that sense immediately but when we talk about Colorism and regardless of whether you’re biracial or not where you fall on that line are those things that come up that came up for you in your work, but really acknowledging our light to darkness and what does that mean regardless of whether you’re biracial or not; the question really becomes what is the real issue as far as one’s aesthetic and how they are then treated based on that it goes beyond the biracial instance biracial can be dark or light so I’m saying how we’re viewed and how we’re treated is really an aesthetic difference are we addressing that wholeheartedly.

FANSHEN: Yeah. The hardest part about this show, y’know, is that I have this amazing opportunity to share this story about my family and about my experiences, but I’m also extremely aware that if I literally told this exact same story but were darker-skinned, didn’t have this eye color, that people might not…no, people wouldn’t listen. And that’s painful and it’s like, so, yeah, I’m constantly struggling with exactly that kind of privilege. We all have the right to share our story, but I think we have to constantly acknowledge privilege and acknowledge that this is not about my being any more evolved or better than someone else – this is my story, this is what happened, hopefully you can learn some things about forgiveness and about treating people the same no matter what it is you think they are. In San Antonio someone asked why they think my brother didn’t get killed, like why is it that my brother stayed alive because in many instances he gets this man in a headlock, he should have been killed. And I think it has to do a lot with skin tone and even in the court proceeding that we had white friends with resources who were character witnesses. So. Yes.

About Fanshen

I'm a culturally mixed woman searching for racial answers.
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